Aleskerov et al. [1-2] estimated the degree of manipulability for the case of multi-valued choice (without using
any tie-breaking rule) and for Impartial Culture (IC). In our paper, we address the similar question for the
multi-valued choice and for Impartial Anonymous Culture (IAC). We use Nitzan-Kelly’s (NK) index to
estimate the degree of manipulability, which is calculated as the share of all manipulable voting situations, and
calculate indices for 3 alternatives and up to 10000 voters. We have found that for the case of 3 alternatives
Nanson’s procedure shows the best results. Hare’s procedure shows close, but a bit higher results. The worst
aggregation procedure in terms of manipulability is Plurality rule. Additionally, it turned out that NK indices
for IAC are smaller than NK indices for IC.