

Параметры публикации
Тип публикации: 
Тезисы доклада
On various solutions of areas allocation problem
Наименование конференции: 
29th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO-2018, Valencia, Spain)
Наименование источника: 
Absracts of the 29th Europen Conference on Operational Research (EURO-2018, Valencia, Spain)
Международная федерация обществ по исследованию операций
Год издания: 
354, https://www.euro-online.org/conf/admin/tmp/program-euro29.pdf
Over the last years, the problem of overlapping territorial claims between different countries have become more acute in many regions. Potential prospects of areas exploitation (e.g. natural resources) or their location (e.g. important sea routes) have led to some potential tensions or even conflicts between interested parties which, in turn, create serious damage to the environment in the region, countries’ economies and their inhabitants. Thus, there is a strong need to find some fair and peaceful resolution of these competing territorial claims. We consider the areas allocation problem from the mathematical point of view. Based on introduced model of utility values with respect to main resources and preferences of interested countries over disputed areas, we proposed several models of areas allocation. Two main approaches are used - each territory is allocated to a single country, and each territory can be allocated to several countries - so called shared allocation. To test the proposed models, we have also applied them to the problem of areas allocation in Barents Sea and other regions of the Arctic. As a result, we proposed several allocation scenarios and evaluated total dissatisfaction level of each interested party. We consider our work as an exercise to attract an attention of decision-making authorities since we strongly believe that such models and evaluations based on them can be helpful for the process of corresponding decision making
Библиографическая ссылка: 
Швыдун С.В., Алескеров Ф.Т. On various solutions of areas allocation problem / Absracts of the 29th Europen Conference on Operational Research (EURO-2018, Valencia, Spain). Valencia: Международная федерация обществ по исследованию операций, 2018. С. 354, https://www.euro-online.org/conf/admin/tmp/program-euro29.pdf.