Dynamical systems with active, or controlled, singularities is a recentlyintroduced class of systems characterized by a controlled impact-type ultra-fastdynamic phase of system engagement with constraints. The dynamics in this phase,viewed as singular against the regular system motion, arises wheneverconstraints exhibit a small degree of elasticity. The admission of the controlactions during this phase through impulsive-type constraint manipulation permitsa radical change in the attainability set of the post-impact system state. Inthe previous work, a well-posed control law synthesis for this phase has beenshown to be attainable through its simplified description obtained in the limitas elasticity drops to zero. The resulting limit representation, a dynamicequation pair consisting of equation with jumps and controlled infinitesimal dynamicsequation, has been derived, however, only for the case of the full state access,and the control example demonstrated has not involved solution of the optimalcontrol problem. The present work extends the previous setting to the case ofthe incomplete information.