In 2035, humanity begins mining minerals from asteroids. For successful mining on an asteroid it is necessary to realize two consecutive rendezvous with the asteroid by the same or two different spacecrafts, controlled by electric engines of low thrust, the value of thrust was limited to 0.6 N. Ten kilograms of payload is extracted from a single asteroid in one year. The number of ships available is highly dependent on the total mass extracted. Participants were required to extract as much mass as possible. If one of the teams had already flown to a given asteroid, the contribution of the extracted mass to the functionality was reduced. In total, the participants were offered a choice of 60000 asteroids, the orbital elements of which were set. The starting mass of each spacecraft should not exceed 3 tons, the final mass should not be less than 500 kilograms. The total duration of the mission was limited to 15 years. The asteroids moved in the central Newtonian field of the Sun’s gravitational forces. The spacecraft were allowed to perform perturbation maneuvers. All spacecraft launched from the Earth and automatically dropped the extracted cargo to the Earth at the subsequent passage of it with a relative velocity of less than 6 km/s, at which point the functional was calculated.